Category: Daily Devotional

Denying Ourselves

Scripture Numbers 29:7 ” `On the tenth day of this seventh month hold a sacred assembly. You must deny yourselves and do no work.

Observation: That is one thing I have trouble with denying myself. I seem to put myself first and take care of my needs above others, the opposite of what God wants. Even doing work is something I feel I have to do. I find it hard to sit still without doing anything, even though God calls me to, so that I will spend more quality time with Him.

Application: I need to do what God calls me to do, put Him first, then my wife, others and then myself. I’m here as a servant and a servant serves others. I have a calling on my life a job do to while I’m here and I’ll never know what it is if I’m more focused on myself then what God wants me to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord fill me with your love and give me the wisdom I’ll need to fulfill the purpose you call me for. Show me how to rest and think only of you and your desires. I’m here because you chose me to be, may I complete the tasks you have set before me in glory and honor to your name.

Is My Life Pleasing to the Lord?

Scripture Numbers 28: [8] Prepare the second lamb at twilight, along with the same kind of grain offering and drink offering that you prepare in the morning. This is an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.

Observation: We don’t have to make sacrifices like the old testament, so what do we do that would be pleasing to the Lord? Since Jesus sacrificed His life as the final sacrifice for our sins, the sacrifice we are called to make that would be an aroma pleasing to God is what we do with our lives. Obedience of God’s word, loving Him and others, bearing fruit and witnessing to others that Jesus is the Christ are all things that are pleasing to God.

Application: My Lord I know what pleases you, yet I do so little of it. Tomorrow I start up my class on depression and I know this is pleasing to you and that you will be there. Help me use the other gifts I have like serving, organization and cooking to your glory so when I cook and serve others it would go up as an aroma pleasing to you.

Prayer: My Lord I am lazy and self-centered, help me overcome this so that I may do more that is pleasing to you. I do want to serve in a way that pleases you give me the strength and discipline to do that, Help me finish this race in a way that honors you.

Honoring God to Others

Scripture Numbers 27: [14] for when the community rebelled at the waters in the Desert of Zin, both of you disobeyed my command to honor me as holy before their eyes.” (These were the waters of Meribah Kadesh, in the Desert of Zin.)

Observation: Do my actions honor God to others? Victoria, a girl in the office left today, but sent out an email telling everyone that she will miss them and how her life was impacted by knowing us. She used God several times and prayer and even if you didn’t know her God was honored by whoever read that email. We can honor or dishonor God by the way we act and treat others. We can be His representative or opponent by the way we live our life.

Application: I want to show God holy to all that He puts in my path. Besides telling others about my Lord I need to live a life that honors Him. I need to follow the commands that He has given me through His word. I need to treat others the way I want to be treated and when I encourage someone, bless them, help them or do anything that I know pleases God, I need to give God the glory so others can see where my heart comes from.

Prayer: Dear Lord I want to honor you and glorify you to others. Give me all that I need to do that. Give me a loving heart like your Son and show me how to demonstrate your goodness through me. May I always give you all the honor and glory.

Our God Is Fair

Scripture Numbers 26: [54] To a larger group give a larger inheritance, and to a smaller group a smaller one; each is to receive its inheritance according to the number of those listed.

Observation: I look at some of the scriptures and notice how God is fair and just. In this chapter He is making sure the inheritance gets divided by the number of people so each person gets an equal share of the promise land. You wouldn’t think God had the time to be concerned about the details of simple man, but He loves us and treats us fair. So many of us don’t think that when we look at the trials and tribulations we go through, but each one is a test to see where we end up in our eternal life, after all that seems only fair.

Application: Remember God’s faithfulness and fairness each day. Knowing that He is God and He is with me and plays no favorites, but treats us as equal children in our inheritance. I should never complain about a situation or feel I’m being treated unjustly, but always remember my Lord is just and knows all things.

Prayer: Dear Lord forgive me when I moan or complain. Give me a heart and mind to trust you always, knowing that you’re fair and that you love me. Give me the courage to share all that you place in me to others so that they may be comforted with the fact that you love them and they have an equal part of the inheritance.

Zealous for God’s Honor

Scripture Numbers 25: [11] “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my honor among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them.

Observation: God sees if we are zealous or not for Him. If we allow others to talk disrespectful about God or use His name in vain we should tell that person we don’t want to hear that type of talk about our God and use it as a witnessing experience telling that person what God means to us. There is so much that happens on this fallen world that dishonors God are we going to ignore it or do something that pleases out Lord?

Application: I need to be observant and have the courage to stand up for God’s honor. I need to express the way I feel about my Lord to others and stand firm to what I believe. I’m to live a godly life on this earth and I can’t do it if I allow others to think I accept their behavior without defending my God’s honor.

Prayer: My Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and make me aware of what is going around me. Help me seek out the things that are not of you and make me zealous for your honor.

Seeing What Pleases the Lord

Scripture Numbers 24:1 Now when Balaam saw that it pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not resort to sorcery as at other times, but turned his face toward the desert.

Observation: Yesterday Teri and I did a cook out for the Bread of Life. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs which is really a treat for the shelter for homeless people. When I do these things I know it pleases the Lord, so why don’t I do more of it? You know when you are doing something that pleases God, His word makes it clear and your spirit will tell you when you are on the right path. So why don’t we do it more often, because it takes obedience and caring for God’s desires above our own.

Application: I need to rid myself of this laziness I have and desire to do nothing when I get home from work. I need to make a list of things I can do that would please God. I’ll be doing my depression class this coming Monday, which I know pleases God and ticks off the Devil. It will take some effort and faith and that is what will be pleasing my Lord and Master who deserves everything that I have.

Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all my love, praise and obedience. Guide me and show me what pleases you and help me meet those desires of yours.You have met all of my needs and have loved me unconditionally. Help me love you back with that same type of love.

Doing Whatever the Lord Says

Scripture Numbers 23:26 Balaam answered, “Did I not tell you I must do whatever the LORD says?”

Observation: How I wish that is all I would do, what my Lord says. I do so much more what I want instead of what God wants and I pay the consequences. I hurry and do things because I think they are either right or just what I want to do for the moment without taking any consideration if this is something God could bless or what.

Application: I need to stop and ask God before I do anything. I should be doing only what God says and what honors Him. I need to study to make sure I know the things that glorify God and that He would want done. In everything I should be giving God the glory and honor and be careful not to do the things that would displease Him.

Prayer: My Lord guide your servant and show me how to do only what You desire. Take this selfishness away from me and give me a spirit of discernment for what you desire. Help me finish this race well before I come home to You.