Imitating Our God
Scripture Leviticus 11: [44] I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves about on the ground.
Observation: We are to be like Jesus and imitate Him. Our God is holy and tells us we are to be Holy, set apart for Him. God gave us His example for a perfect life in Jesus, even though we can’t live a perfect life like our Lord we need to try each day, even if we fail we need to get back up and try again.
Application: My problem is that I try to imitate the people of this world and even though they may have good intentions they are not anywhere as good as my Lord. I need to ask myself what would Jesus do and then do it. I need to live a life for Him, so others may see Him through my actions. I’m called to be holy and that is my goal in life to be holy and pleasing to God.
Prayer: My Lord I know this is a big task to be like Jesus, but I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Please strengthen me and make me holy to you. Change my focus from this world to your kingdom. I love you and want to please you before I come home.