An Offering for Our Children
Scripture Leviticus 12:6 ” `When the days of her purification for a son or daughter are over, she is to bring to the priest at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting a year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a dove for a sin offering.
Observation: We forget how precious it is to have a child and the trust our heavenly Father as that we will raise this child the way He commands us to raise them. However today in this world we forget that they are a blessing and look so often as them to be a burden or an inconvenience in our life. We forget about the miracle of birth and how blessed we are to have a healthy child. Maybe it would be better if we did what was done in the old testament times and make an offering to the Lord so we would realize the blessing of that child, a blessing from God.
Application: My children are grown and I’ve ignored them most of their lives and never saw the true blessing God has given me in them. They are far away across the country along with my grandchildren, but God has given me another chance to do better. My wife that he has blessed me with has given me a new daughter even though she is 35 years old and 3 beautiful grandchildren, a blessing from God and I want to offer the greatest thing God has given me, my time and use it as an offering to God by giving it to them.
Prayer: Dear Lord thank you for the blessing of all of my children and grandchildren. May I help teach them the way they should go and that they are a blessing from you. May I make this offering of me to them in your name. I love you Lord and I thank you for all you have given me, in Jesus name I pray.