God’s Word Never Fails
Scripture Josh 21:45 Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass
Observation: God’s word never comes back void. God is perfect and so is His word. He keeps His promise and never leaves us or forsakes us. We can totally depend on God and trust Him with all of our heart, mind and soul. So if that’s the case why don’t we, myself included? His word tells us if we believe in His son we have eternal life and a home with Him forever, so with that this short life should be lived in a way that we build up our treasures in Heaven and glorify God. There is no trial on this earth that can’t be handled with God. We need to first know His word and then when we know it we need to stand on it and trust it.
Application: I need to continue to study God’s word and gain a knowledge of it so that I can stand firmly on it and help others understand. I need to know and live my Lord’s words and put them in practice every day. I only have a short time left on this earth before going home and I need to make the most of the time I have left bearing fruit and doing good works that will glorify God.
Prayer: My Lord you know my heart and how desperately I want to honor you. Why do I come up so short every day? I need to live your word each day and hear your voice guide me through this journey until I come home to you. Help me please follow your commands and bear fruits in every good work.