Daily Devotional

We have No Right to be Angry

Scripture 2 Sam 6:8 And David became angry because of the LORD’S outbreak against Uzzah; and he called the name of the place Perez Uzzah to this day.

Observation: So often we get angry because things didn’t go as we wanted. We don’t ask to see if we did something wrong to have that outcome, we just want what we want. Jesus told us we would have trial and tribulations, basically saying you’re not always going to get your way. These are our opportunity to learn and grow and not get angry. We need to find out what we need to learn when a situation doesn’t go the way we thought and ask God what to do next. With David he should have known there was a special way God wanted the ark to be moved and that it wasn’t to be touched. If he thought and prayed before he moved the ark, God would have given him the correct way to move the ark.

Application: I still get angry without cause. If something doesn’t go right or I make a mistake I get mad. It used to be before Jesus entered my life it would happen every day and it was to the point my family didn’t want to be around me. I never took the blame for not being more careful I just got angry, angry at God and any one that might be around. When Jesus did come into my life I was better, but still even now my anger can flare up quickly and if I don’t stop and pray it can get out of hand. I need to stay close and be aware that God is moving in my life and he knows exactly where I am and I need to reach out to him instantly when things do not go as plan and ask him to take my anger and open my eyes to what he is showing me.

Prayer: My Lord forgive this sinner. My thoughts go to anger before anything else and I can’t control it without you. Help me be calm and quiet so I can hear you give me directions in what you desire of me. I want to please you and I know an angry man can’t.

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