Daily Devotional

What to Dedicate to the Lord?

Scripture 2 Sam 8:11 King David also dedicated these to the LORD, along with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he had subdued–

Observation: Throughout the Bible people are dedicating things to the Lord, but what have I dedicated? I dedicate my tithe I guess to the Lord, yet I’m only giving him back a small portion that he has given me, I dedicate my marriage and try to be the man He calls me to be, but I fail too often.. I have no riches like David or King Solomon and I have the one thing God wants. My life it should be a living sacrifice so that is holy and pleasing to Him. He deserves at least that since again he gave it to me and has preserved it through these years. He deserves much more than a tithe of it, he deserves it all and this life needs to be dedicated to him.

Application: So what do I do to dedicate my life to him. It’s a living sacrifice and a sacrifice was an offering that was pleasing to God so each day of my life should be, pleasing to God. I should live it as though God is looking down on me to see what I’m doing. As he looks it should please him in what I’m doing, make him laugh and maybe even bring a tear to his eyes now and then when I do something extraordinary for one of his children. A life worth watching and at the end of each day when God remembers me it brings a smile to his face.

Prayer: Dear Lord I dedicate this life to you. May it be holy and pleasing to you. May I follow the path you have made for me and that at the end of this life it multiplied the talent you had entrusted me with.

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