Daily Devotional

Let the Lord Decide What’s Good

Scripture 2 Sam 10:12 Be of good courage, and let us be strong for our people and for the cities of our God. And may the LORD do what is good in His sight.”

Observation: We all have visions what we think is right or wrong and we act on it most of the time, but how often do we figure God in the equation. He knows so much more than us and He is the one with the plan. When things don’t go our way we are normally quick to place the blame that God doesn’t care, but we forget we’re not here for us we are only here because God desires us to be. The purpose of our existence is to honor God with our lives, a living sacrifice that should be holy and pleasing to Him. If we are walking with our Lord and ask for his will in our lives no matter what happens we need to look at the situation through God’s eyes to see what is good. For God works the good in all things, but we need to abandon our agenda and serve our Lord whole heartily.

Application: I’m Mr. planner and I think I figure out everything and when it doesn’t go to my plan I feel I failed and wallow in that failure. I need to let go of my preconceived plans and let God guide me and when things don’t go as I plan I need to stop to see what God desired and embrace it and follow his guidance. I need to remember this place is temporary, but where I go after this is my true home. I need to start following God’s plans here so I will be better prepared to follow them when I get home.

Prayer: My Lord give me wisdom and help me see what is good in your eyes. Take this arrogance from me and humble your servant to know your commands for my life. I want to be the best servant for you, you know my heart, but my pride gets in the way. Help me see clearly your direction for my life. I love and want to please you.

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