God Does Not Forget
Scripture Psalms 10:11 He has said in his heart, “God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.”
Observation: With all the wickedness on this earth it is easy for some to think God does not exist or as forgotten us. God does not forget and allows us a choice to follow Him or do what we please. He has given us ways to see Him and that anyone can repent and have eternal life, but it’s our choice. The world is a terrible place anymore, Satan has done a good job of distracting people of God’s love and will for our lives. The worst it gets the more it appears that God does not care, but those who love Him know the truth. He is waiting and hoping we turn to Him for salvation, but until then it is up to each one of us what we are going to do with the choice He has given us.
Application: I need to be part of showing God’s light in this dark place. God has blessed me with gifts and talents He wants me to use to help others know that God is here and He cares. I need to seek God to see how He wants me to use what He has given me for His glory and to help open the eyes of others to see Him.
Prayer: My Lord take this anger and self centerness from me please oh Lord and make me a humble servant before you. Show me how to obey every command and get me out of the way. I pray for wisdom to do your desires and the strength and courage to complete the tasks you set before me. I love you and my desire is to please you and show you how much I love and need you.