What Must I Do
Scripture: John 6:28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
Observation: I wonder that each day, what should I be doing? God has created me for a purpose and requires me to do certain works to fulfill my purpose. Even though He guides me each day and opens doors I still feel as if I need an agenda to follow and know in advance what to do. The following verse says to believe in his Son. When I received Jesus as my Lord and savior my eyes were opened and I was filled with the Holy Spirit.
Application: God has put on my heart what he wants me to do and the life he wants me to lead. I should take each day and live it for God asking his direction in the decisions I need to make each day to fulfill the work he is calling me to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord guide me each day in your desires. Give me the skill, strength and courage to do the works you have called me to do.