Am I Hot or Cold
Scripture: Revelations 3: [15] I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!
Observation: Sometimes I feel like I’m a good Christian with good intentions, yet when it comes to follow through I fall short. Yesterday I was to go to a meeting for lay counselors and because I was a little sick it was easier not to go as I did a couple of weeks prior. God asks me to write and again I took a half hearted effort for a few minutes. Why do I give up on what God wants of me when He never gives up on me?
Application: I need to make God’s desires my priority, not what I want to do. I need to be a hot and obedient Christian. Jesus should be able to depend on me to do His will, the will of the Father.
Prayer: Dear Lord give me the strength, the will power to do your will and live a life pleasing to you.