Month: March 2024

We Have the Same Spirit

Scripture Isaiah 11:2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

Observation: Isaiah is prophesying about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus told us when he left this earth the first time that He was going to have that same spirit rest on us. If we call on the Holy Spirit, He will give us wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge and the fear of the Lord. We have everything we need if we would only ask.

Application: I need to be calling on the Holy Spirit every day for guidance and wisdom to do what will honor God. So often I do things on my own trying to satisfy self and almost every time things go wrong. I need to wait on the filling of the Holy Spirit before I move forward.

Prayer: My Lord please fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how you want me to finish this race. Help me not depend on my own mind put wait for the guidance of the Spirit.

Depending on the Lord

Scripture Isaiah 10:20 And it shall come to pass in that day That the remnant of Israel, And such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, Will never again depend on him who defeated them, But will depend on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

Observation: Who do we depend on? Is it our spouse, parents, children, friends, politicians or pastor? There is no one here on earth at one time or another that won’t let us down. We as humans have a sinful nature and can’t be depended on. There is only one that is fully trustworthy and deserves all of our obedience and trust.

Application: I need to depend on my Lord and His word. God puts on my heart what is His will for my life and I must follow that. No matter who is in my life I need to depend only on my God for direction. Whatever decision I need to make I first need to seek God’s counsel before proceeding.

Prayer: My Lord I am your servant. I ask that you command me and direct me in all you desire me to do. May I always wait for your timing and direction before moving forward.

Prince of Peace

Scripture Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Observation: There are so many prophesies of Jesus in the Old Testament that I can’t understand why so many people don’t believe and there are many false religions that have no support for their beliefs. Jesus as many titles He is my Lord, but I love Prince of Peace. Mostly because there is no peace on this earth apart from Him. I can’t wait until He comes back, it will be so exciting when the Prince of Peace sets up His kingdom and I become one of his humble followers.

Application: I need to be proclaiming my Lord’s kingdom now to others. My job is to be a light and help others be guided by Jesus. To show those that don’t have peace in this world that we have a prince and that He will be coming soon.

Prayer: My Lord fill me with the Holy Spirit and speak through me. Open doors for me to share my testimony and tell others of you. I’m here only as your servant, show me how to serve you well.

Let God Be Our Fear

Scripture Isaiah 8:13 The LORD of hosts, Him you shall hallow; Let Him be your fear, And let Him be your dread.

Observation: Sounds kind of harsh that God should be our fear, since He is love. We fear so many things in this world and we bow down to modern day idols and then we come to God and pray for help. If we fear God, we would never make the things of this world into idols and the only thing to fear is not following God whole heartily. God needs to be our main focus in what we do and every decision we make. We are called to be with God for all eternity and everything else will fade away to nothing.

Application: To live a live fearing the things that I might be doing do not honor God. This life is short and I’m here for only one purpose and that is to serve and love my Lord with my whole heart, mind and soul. I can’t do that focused on the things of this world so God needs to be my everything.

Prayer: My Lord, I do love you. Help me please live a life that will glorify you. May I be afraid of doing thing that don’t please you, but search for the purpose you created me for.

A Sign from the Lord

Scripture Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.[

Observation: Throughout the bible the Lord has been giving signs to His people about what is to happen. Most don’t think He does that any longer, but I look at my life and I see moments that God has given me signs. He has encouraged me not to give up and at times when I thought things were hopeless, He performs a small miracle to let me know He is still among us. I don’t think we see the signs any longer because we aren’t looking for them. He is still working in His children’s lives.

Application: I need to be more aware of my Lord and stop being overwhelmed with what is happening on this earth. I get so distracted by the evil that surrounds me that I don’t see the signs any longer. I need to be quiet and look around me to see what God is doing in my life and the lives of those around me.

Prayer: My Lord open my eyes to your signs. Make me aware of what you desire of me. Help me not give up, but be focused on your will.

Send Me!

Scripture Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

Observation: This has been my prayer for God to send me to proclaim the gospel. Yet the only thing stopping me from doing it is me. I ask God to send me to make a difference and then I don’t do anything else. There are opportunities all around me, but my laziness and lack of conviction keeps me still. I’m not sure what I’m expecting God to do. He has given me everything I need and I know if I begin speaking to others the Holy Spirit will be right by my side telling me what to say.

Application: I need to stop making excuses and start making plans on how I’m going to go out to do God’s work. I need to seek the help of others that can hold me accountable and give me direction on the best way to go out. I need to stop and listen to my Lord and be obedient to what He calls me to do.

Prayer: My Lord I’m here, please send me. Help me with this laziness and give me strength to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Help me finish well.

We Need to be Humbled

Scripture Isaiah 5:15 People shall be brought down, Each man shall be humbled, And the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled.

Observation: There is so much pride in our culture we are even proud of the sins we commit. We are surrounded by the media that tells us to be proud of who we are no matter what, even gay pride. Self-pride in our culture is the answer, but as long as we seek to be prideful we can’t see our mistakes and turn from our evil ways. We don’t improve or grow closer to God because we feel proud of the people we are turning into, even if it is the worst of sinners.

Application: God has blessed me with gifts and talents that are to be used for His glory, not mine. I need to give glory to God in all things and use whatever ability I have for His purpose and not mine. I need to be that humble servant not only to my Lord but to others to help point them to the way of my Savior.

Prayer: My Lord humble your servant before you and give me the strength to carry on. Guide me each morning and what you desire of me and that I will fulfill that calling in glory and honor to you.