Daily Devotional

Working Together for Good

Scripture Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Observation: I see that in my life how everything that has happened to me eventually worked for good. I can honestly say that I love God and love Him more each day as I get to know Him better. As I look back, I can see how God has used me and how He called me to His purpose.

Application: I get to go out again today to walk the strand and pray. Yesterday was an extraordinary day as I was allowed to pray for so many. God has allowed me to go through the trials so I would be ready to fulfill the purpose he had for me all along.

Prayer My Father I thank you that I’m called to this ministry and I want to please You each day. Be with me as You always are and walk with me to talk to your children and grant my ways with success. I do love You Lord continue as I grow closer to You

Nothing Good in Myself

Scripture Romans 7:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find

Observation: I realize that there is nothing in my flesh that is good. All of my life without Jesus was sin, all I thought about was myself. I hurt people, sinned against God and lived a life in sin. When Jesus took up residency in my body and mind, He was the one that used me for good, without Him I would still be that wretched man I was most of my life.

Application: I need to allow the Holy Spirit to take over and use me to do good and help others. I need to die to self and be that new creation God is calling me to be. I need to stay in close communication so that I can get my instructions each day form the Holy Spirit and stay on the path that God has chosen for me.

Prayer Thank you Jesus for changing this sinner. Continue to work in me that I may do the things You desire of me and draw me close. I still sin each day in my thoughts help continue to grow me to be the man You desire me to be.

I’m A Slave to Righteousness

Scripture Romans 6:19 I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness.

Observation: I was a slave to sin and depression before Christ and my life was miserable. However, when I found Jesus, or He found me I became a new creation. I freely gave myself as a slave to my Lord and my life turned around. I still have trials and tribulation, but my master is always with me to get me through.

Application: A slave does what his master commands and I need to do that daily. I’m called to do God’s will each day. He gave me directions in his word and the Holy Spirit directs me each day. I’m a bond servant to Christ and I don’t want to be set free from that.

Prayer My Lord your servant is waiting for you to command me today. Direct me in the path you chose for me and help me be obedient to your will.

Hope Doesn’t Disappoint

Scripture Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Observation: Before Christ entered my world all hope did was disappoint. I was always hoping for things that I wanted and most of the time I didn’t get them, but when Jesus came my hopes changed. The Holy Spirit continued to work in my heart and what I wanted was different. My hope now is to please Him and fulfill the purpose He has given me and I see that hope come true each day.

Application: The closer I stay to Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to work through me the greater my life becomes. I realize I am not of this world, but have the hope of the next. I need to continue to stay focused on the work God has for me here and my hope is to please Him today and with the help of the Holy Spirit I know I can accomplish that.

Prayer Good morning, Lord. I’m getting ready to go out and do your will. Holy Spirit come with me and talk to the people you chose to speak to and use this vessel to honor You.

The Promise Through Faith

Scripture Romans 4:13 For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

Observation: God is willing to give us anything if we have faith in Him. Once we begin to understand the glory of God and his wonderfulness and receive what He has in store for us we can have the righteousness that comes only from faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God and to be a follower of Christ. This is not head knowledge but heart.

Application: I look back on all that God has done for me and I realize I don’t deserve it, but I have faith that this is what He wants for me. I have faith that I will live with Him forever and that He is who He says He is. Now I need to spread that faith to others in whatever way God calls me to do it.

Prayer Thank you Father for choosing me to serve You and others. Be with me today as I walk among your children and use me to draw them a little closer to You.

Justified by Faith

Scripture Romans 3:30 since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith.

Observation: Faith has always been the key to Jesus’ healings. When He healed, He would say by their faith and if we have faith to believe that He is the Son of God and believe that He died for our sins and rouse from the dead to give us everlasting life He promised we would have it. We obey the Bible because we have faith that it is the word of God. We can call on God to increase our faith, but we must first have it.

Application: To continue to increase my faith daily as I walk with my Lord. To know that Jesus is working in my life and to be confident that He is all powerful and He knows exactly where I am in my walk with Him. To serve through faith and to display that faith to others.

Prayer My Lord thank you for never giving up on this sinner. The more I know you the stronger my faith becomes. May our relationship and my love grow stronger ever. I look forward to spending time with you today and hope that it blesses you.

Judging Can Condemn Us

Scripture Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things.

Observation: I’m getting better not to judge others but I can’t get through a day without doing it at least once. It may be about simple things such as appearance or actions and yet I’m no better than those I judge. I’ll judge someone who is wearing a mask outside or who has had the COVID Vaccine as someone who is scared and conforms to society, but I’m no better. I still live in fear, maybe not of a disease, but can become afraid by other physical pains. Everyone is God’s creation and I have no right to judge anyone, except myself and that is enough reasonability for anyone.

Application: Each day live knowing the only control I have in this life is me and to be the best me I can be for Jesus. Not to judge others, but to love them as my Lord loves them. Bring a smile and laughter when I can and comfort those that may be hurting. I’m Jesus representative and I need to do the best I can.

Prayer My Lord give me a more loving heart. As I walk help me stay focused on You and why You have me here. Taking away any thoughts that are not of You and as I walk open my heart and eyes to your will in your servant’s life.