Do the Demons Know Me?
Scripture: Acts 19:15 One day, the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?’
Observation: Do I make a difference for Jesus or is my faith strong enough that the demons know me? I was afraid writing this, because I don’t want any other troubles in my life, yet God tells me not to fear, it is all over in his Word. However I don’t believe my faith is strong enough that the enemy recognizes me and that I’m not even a threat.
Application: I need to be bold in my witness to my God and I need to make a difference in this life for my Lord that the demons do know who I am and my faith is so great that it doesn’t matter. Satan needs to know about me, because of my love for my God and willingness to further the kingdom of God.
Prayer: Dear Lord take this fear from me and increase my faith. That I will not waste this life you have given me but use it to fulfill the purpose you have given me. May the demons know me as one loved by you.