What Shall I Do?
Scripture: Acts 22:10 “What shall I do Lord?” I asked. “Get up, “ the Lord said, “and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.”
Observation: That is my question each day, “what should I do Lord? “ I wish I could hear from the Lord as clearly as Paul did. Maybe God is talking to me and I’m just not listening. I know God has an assignment for me there is a reason I’m here and only He knows why.
Application: To start listening and meditate on God’s word. To keep my eyes and heart open to what is happening around me and to be ready to do what the Lord tells me to do.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me hear what it is you want me to do. Make my assignment clear to me that I may fulfill it in glory and honor to you. Speak clearly to me so I may understand.