Slaves of Righteousness
Scripture: Romans 6:18 You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness.
Observation: I first read this and thought there is no way I’m a slave to righteousness even though I would like to be. Jesus set me free from sin when he died for me and now it’s my choice how I live this life he gave me. When he came into my life he changed me he softened my heart and gave me over to a new mind. I’m still far from where I need to be but I do want to do the right thing, I do want to please God and I want to fulfill my purpose in this life in glory and honor to God, so maybe I am a slave to righteousness.
Application: I need to do more than think of the right things to do I need to do them and that starts with my heart. I need to have the heart of Christ and loving, caring and giving heart that will guide me to do the right things. I need to pray throughout the day for guidance to do the right things and ask God to take control of this life.
Prayer: Dear Lord please take charge of your servant and guide down the path of fulfilling my purpose in your name, direct my thoughts, word and actions today and each day that they will be pleasing in your sight.