The Potter’s Creation
Scripture: Romans 9: ” [21] Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
Observation: I am a creation of my Father and he has the right to do with me as he desires. I was created for a purpose and yesterday I was able to fulfill a little of it when I was part of the outreach at the beach for the homeless. Teri and I cooked and organized the outreach and God blessed it. This was of simple thing but to me I felt honored to glorify God yesterday.
Application: To continue to search for the ways God wants to use me for his glory. To stay in his will so I’m aware of the purpose I’m to play in this life until it’s time to go home with my God. No matter what use God has for me in my heart it is noble because I serve the King.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m your servant, your slave. Use me as your desire do not let me turn away from the things you want to use me for, I belong to you