Glory to God Forever
Scripture: Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.
Observation: God is everything. He has created all things, there is nothing He hasn’t created. I’m here only because He has desired me to be here. He deserves all the glory, there is nothing I can do on my own if I do anything that deserves praise the praise belongs to God. He is the beginning and the end and all things exist because of Him.
Application: Realize that if I accomplish anything that God deserves the glory, If someone compliments me on something that I did or am God should get the glory. My life should represent what God can do and not what I can do.
Prayer: My Lord you deserve all the glory, my obedience and praise. May I live this life in a way that pleases you and glorifies your name, not mine.