Never Tire of Doing Good
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
Observation: That is me, I get tired of doing good and just want to do for myself. It is so easy to stop doing good, because doing good is doing for others. It doesn’t matter at times that it makes us feel good to do good or that it honors God, it is easy to stop and think of ourselves instead of what God desires.
Application: To realize I’m here for that purpose, to do good and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. My job, my purpose is to be the man God calls me to be and not the man I want because of laziness and self centeredness. Be focused on fulfilling my purpose by honoring God.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am here souly for the purpose of serving you by serving others in your name and to do good to please you. You are worthy of my best and I need your help to accomplish this goal you set before me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and show me how to please you.