Because You Say So Lord
Scripture: Luke 5:5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
Observation: I continue to make excuses why I can’t do things that the Lord wants me to do. Unfortunately unlike Peter instead of obeying to often I do what I want to do instead of listening to God. The times I do listen are the times I get to draw nearer to God and understand his purpose for my life.
Application: I need to listen to my Lord always and not just when it is convenient for me. To be obedient in all that He asks me and to overcome my laziness or self desires that prevent me from doing his will.
Prayer: Dear Lord I am a sinner, but I do what to please you. Help me do whatever you ask of me, because you are worthy of all my love praise and obedience. Only through your power can I do this so please help me be the man you call me to be.