Children of God
Scripture: [12] Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God–
Observation: I am now I child of God. The creator of all things is my Father and because of the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior I get to spend eternity with him. If I was the child of a millionaire or famous actor or athlete I would boast to everyone I met who I was, but I’m so much more than that I’m a child of God.
Application: I should be bragging about my Dad, telling others how great and wonderful He is. To tell others the secret about being adopted as His and all the blessings attached to belonging to God. To tell others of his love, mercy and grace and to show them the way to eternal life with their Father.
Prayer: Dear Father I love you and thank you so much for your love. Place in me the desires of your heart and show me how to be a good son to you. I belong to you and always have, do with me as you wish. May I glorify you.