How Do I Treat My King?
Scripture: John 19: [3] and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they struck him in the face.
Observation: Each day I start in prayer and say hail to my King who is worthy of all that I have and am. Yet not long into the day my mind will wander to anxiety, hate or anger about something or someone. A slap in the face to the one I say I love most. So when others see me do they see the man that hails a perfect king or a man that opposes his government? Normally by the end of the day I must have slapped my Lord several times with my actions and words, I do deserve to be banished from His kingdom.
Application: My Lord should be sovereign in my life each day, all day and others should see who rules my life. The Holy Spirit is with me all the time and I need to see Him as a reminder I’m under God’s authority and by being a citizen of heaven I have responsibilities to my King. I’m not only here to live a Godly life, but one that is fruitful and will point others to salvation by the blood of Jesus, my King. Think before I speak or do before I do wrong again and be the man God has called me to be.
Prayer: My King and ruler of this life. Show me how to be a good subject in your Kingdom. Help me introduce you to others that you put in my path and that each day you hear from me, “Hail to my King”