I Know What I’m Doing
Scripture: Romans 3 [20] Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin.:
Observation: I know when I sin, it’s not like when I was a child and I can tell God I didn’t know that was wrong. God’s word spells it out and He has given me a conscience to help determine what to do. I know when I’m about to do something that dishonors God and even though I try to justify it I’m only fooling myself. Every time I go against what God tells me to do I’m sinning, including the times I don’t do what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m so far from being righteous, it only through Jesus that I’m secured of an eternal home with Him.
Application: Stop sinning! Be more like Jesus, get rid of the anger and replace it with love, get rid of the fear and replace it with faith, replace the worry and replace it with trust. I know how I’m supposed to live this life, God has given great direction, but He has given me a choice on how I will obey.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be strong, so that I will do what it is you desire of me. I am such a sinner and a fool to try to be ignorant of your laws. Help me keep them and live a life that is pleasing to you. I do love you, forgive all the times I act has if I don’t.