What Part Do I Play
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
Observation: Most of my life I had to feel significant and important. Even now I still desire a place of prestige and as hard as I try to be humble my pride is always there. Even at the church I need to be heard and am pleased when I’m recognized or complimented even though I make the gesture glory to God, do I give it. God has placed me in a servant’s role, like Jesus. I’m so glad Jesus’ pride didn’t overtake Him and He humbled himself before the Father to do His will. It’s interesting God gives me the same type of assignments as Jesus, servant, teacher, encourager, yet I fall so short of performing those duties as my Lord.
Application: I need to be more then content to do the will of the Father I should be honored. God saved me for a time like this, He put me into the body at Calvary and has opened doors to bear fruit in His name and the opportunities to earn crowns before I come home. Instead of dodging or complaining I should be ecstatic of the opportunities that lie ahead.
Prayer: My Lord I thank you that I am part of the body at this wonderful church and I ask you for strength to fulfill the purpose you have created me for. Humble your servant before you and guide me each day to whatever task you put before me. May everything I do glorify you. I love you Lord.