That’s How I Want to be Remembered
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 1: [3] We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Observation: How will I be remembered by others? Will I be the guy that gave, did much for others, was always kind, a man that represented Jesus’ love for others? If I died today that would not be my epitaph. I’m still so far from being the man God called me to be even though that is what I want more than anything. Unfortunately it takes faith, work, perseverance and love to accomplish, which I have short supply of.
Application: I just need to decide the man I’m going to be. I know what to do and how to act and I need to get past this lazy and self-centered ways I have. God has given me gifts and talents to use for His glory and when I use them I’m blessed by God, what more could I possibly want? I need to get beyond myself and look to my Lord.
Prayer: My Lord I can’t do this on my own, I’m too weak. Take this laziness from me, give me strength and wisdom to complete the tasks you put before me. Before it is time to go home may others see you presence in my life may your love shine through me and touch others.