Patience is Not My Virtue
Scripture: 1Thessolonians 5 [14] And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Observation: I have no problem telling those who are idle to get busy, I’m not even a bad encourager, I enjoy helping others, but when it comes to patience I really miss the mark. I seem to always think the negative about people and then I dwell on it. Even when I’m serving on the line at work it kills me to wait for someone to make up their mind. I hurry them and will even make a sarcastic comment. I have so little patience even when it comes to my wife, whom I love more than anyone my patience always runs thin and I may say something that will hurt her feelings.
Application: I need to work on being patient and be aware of all the times when I’m not. I need to realize things don’t have to be done instantly and think of some of the instances God has made me wait and how it always turned out for the best. If God wasn’t patient with me I would be burning in hell instead of writing this journal.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m afraid to ask for patience, because I feel I know what you will do to give me some. Help me not be in such a hurry for everything and give me that loving heart of your Son that I may wait patiently for others and help them wherever I can.