Daily Devotional

How’s My Tongue?

Scripture: James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.

Observation: Out of the overflow of my heart I speak, unfortunately my heart must not be fixed on Jesus. During the course of the day I seem to make some sarcastic remark and try to pass it off as funny, but all that remark is doing is hurting my witness to others. How I act and what I say speaks loudly to others if it’s loving and kind it can help draw others close to God, knowing that I’m a Christian, or if sarcastic make me into the biggest hypocrite that they have come across.

Application: I need to think before I speak. Does what I say honor God and draw them close or make my belief in my Lord a wasted effort. All through the word it tells me to comfort others with my word and that should be my goal each day to make someone feel better because I was able to speak a kind word into their life.

Prayer: Dear Lord soften my tongue and open my eyes to realize how I’m treating others. Help me be like Jesus and have a heart to help and love. I’m your ambassador may I direct others into your kingdom.

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