Am I Doing What I’m Supposed to Be Doing?
Scripture: James 4: [17] Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.
Observation: Sometimes I feel as long as I don’t sin that should be good enough, but this scripture is a little scary. During the course of each day there is always opportunities to do good, treat people better and witness to others. Most of the time I let those opportunities go by. I wish I can say I don’t know the good I’m supposed to do , but that would be a lie and a sin.
Application: Laziness and selfish desires is what stops me most of the time from doing the good God desires of me. I need to remember I’m going to have to answer to God one day about those times. Is someone burning in Hell because I was not concerned enough to help guide them in the right direction? One day I’ll know and I’m afraid of the answer. I need to live each day with my eyes wide opened and aware of the good I should be doing.
Prayer: Dear Lord I’m sorry please forgive me for all of the missed opportunities to do good in your name. Give me wisdom to see the things you desire of me and place the words in my mouth that you want me to share. I can’t wait to come home help me make it a wonderful home coming.