My God Hears Me
Scripture: Genesis 17: [20] And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.
Observation: I pray each day, but my prayers are often repetitions and I don’t remember what I said, yet God listens. He knows my heart and knows what I need and listens to me. If I can listen to Him in the same manner that my Lord listens to me, I would be able to hear and obey.
Application: I need to pray more earnestly and then listen for God’s response. I’m here to obey God and not have God meet my requests. I’m to be a servant and to be a good one I must be able to hear the commands of my Master. I need to listen much more than I speak.
Prayer: My Lord open the ears of your servant that I may know your commands. Show me how to listen to you in the way that you listen to me. Help me serve you in a way that will be pleasing to you. I love you Lord and I give you this life to use for your glory.