When Do We Praise the Lord?
Scripture: Genesis 29:35 She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.
Observation: This is Leah’s forth child and now she praises the Lord. What has to happen in our lives before we praise Him. In revelations, in heaven, the elders praise God day and night and yet here there are only certain moments we choose to praise Him. It seems only when something good happens to us that He is worthy of our praise and we don’t realize all the good that happens to us each day.
Application: I need to praise God because He is worthy and not because He has done something for me. My life needs to be filled with praise for my Lord and Savior. A day shouldn’t go by that I don’t praise Him for the precious gift of life and eternal life with Him when this life is over. I sit here and look around to see all that He has given me and the way He watches over me each day. My Lord is worthy of all my praise, worship and love.
Prayer: My Lord I praise your name and you are worthy. You are worthy of all I have within me. Help me worship you and to show others that you deserve our worship every moment of every day. I love you Lord and may I show you each day the depth of my love.