Will We Obey God?
Scripture Exodus 24: [7] Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey.”
Observation: I don’t believe there is anyone that can say I have always obeyed God. Here is the Israelites, probably one of the most stiff-necked people according to God, and they have always rebelled. God makes it clear what the rules are in His word and there is no excuses. One thing about maturing as a Christian, is that I realize quickly when I’m disobeying, but yet I still disobey every day.
Application: Stay in God’s word and be more aware of what I’m doing. Stay focused and look to see what God wants me to do. Instead of always asking for forgiveness when I mess up, try not to mess up. Think things through before I act and have a loving heart. A loving heart towards everyone is something I lack and yet God calls me to have one.
Prayer: Dear Lord help this stiff-necked man become an obedient servant for you. May I obey each of your desires and be a man that follows you with all of his heart. You deserve the best that I have, show me how to give that to you. I love you and want to be a better child for you.