Our God Watches Over Us
Scripture Leviticus 13:59 These are the regulations concerning contamination by mildew in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean.
Observation: All through Leviticus God tells us what to do and what to watch for to keep us safe. Here He tells us what to do when we have skin rashes and mildew in our home or clothing. God knows the harm it can cause us and he is watching over even the smallest details to make sure we are safe. He tells us what to do to be safe in the world, but it’s up to us to listen and heed His warnings. Like our health God is concerned about our entire life and especially our eternal one since we will be with Him always if we obey His directions,
Application: God has given me a book of directions in the Bible, but it’s up to me to listen and heed His directions. First I must know what is in the Bible and do what it tells me to do. I need to realize everything that is in it is for my own good. Each day I need to commit to reading and learning what God’s word says to me and what my Lord and Master wants me to do, because He is looking out for me.
Prayer: My Lord and Master. I thank you for loving and caring for me so much and I want to know your word and be an obedient servant to you. Help me understand your directions and open my heart to what you are telling me each day. I love you and want to honor you with this life.