Wow What A Gift
Scripture Deuteronomy 16 [17] Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the LORD your God has blessed you.
Observation: How could I give a gift like that? God has blessed me so much what gift could I bring to Him that would be proportioned to how He has blessed me? The only way to come close is to give Him me, all of me and all that I have in His service. Everything that I have is only because my God has given it to me and the only reason I exist is because He allows it. I should be giving this gift every day, a whole hearted commitment to serve Him.
Application: I know what I should be doing and now I need to do it without any excuses God needs to be first in my life. I’m the gift and once given I can’t take it back. My time and possessions are His, a living sacrifice that should be holy and pleasing to my Lord. I’m God’s, created for Him.
Prayer: My Lord a day doesn’t go by that I don’t fall short of not giving you fully what you deserve. Show me how to give you me and not take it back during the course of the day. I desire to please you with the gift of myself, but I can’t do it alone. Help me be better for you. I love you and truly want to please you. Your servant Mark