Serve Him with All Our Heart
Scripture Josh 22:5 But take careful heed to do the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to keep His commandments, to hold fast to Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
Observation: First we must know the Lord’s commandments and laws so that we may obey them, because obeying God’s law is the only way we can show Him that we do love Him. To disobey is to sin and move away from God. The more we know about our God the easier it is to love Him a loving caring Father who wants the best for us and watches over us with love and mercy, how can you not love Him? To serve God is to show Him that you love Him and when you serve you can’t do it begrudgingly but with all of your heart and soul. He knows us better than we know ourselves and He desires us to come to Him with love and trust.
Application: I need to serve other out of the love I have for my Lord. To serve others is to serve God as Jesus said in Matthew welcome those who gave him drink when he was thirsty, food when he was hungry, visited Him when He was sick and as we ask Him when did we do these things for you he told us whenever we did these things for the least of our brothers we did it unto Him. I need to see others as Jesus does and know that I’m serving God by serving His children.
Prayer: Dear Lord help me be a better servant for you. I’ve been so lazy and looking after my needs instead of the needs of others and your desires. My mind is racked with so many things I can’t see clearly and I need your peace in my spirit so that I may serve with my whole heart and soul.