Receiving he Wisdom of God
Scripture 1 Kings 4:29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore.
Observation: God gives wisdom to each of his children. It appears He gave Solomon more than anyone else, but I don’t think we realize the potential of the wisdom that was given to us. Our problem most of the time is that we restrict our wisdom on what we know, instead of inquiring of God to expand that wisdom. The answers to life’s situations are all in the Bible and God hasn’t missed a one. We search what God desires are wisdom increases to not what only we know, but what God will reveal to us. God gives wisdom and that does not mean the ability to learn from birth, but He gives wisdom every day if we ask, as Solomon did.
Application: I need to stop trying to figure out everything myself. I need to humble myself and go before the Lord and ask for His guidance and to give me more wisdom to do the things He wants me to do, the way He wants them done. Before making any major decision or a decision that might impact someone else’s life I need to go before my Lord and ask for the wisdom to do what is right and honoring to Him.
Prayer: My Lord like Solomon I ask you for wisdom. Wisdom to live this life in a way that is pleasing to you. My mind is going all of the times deciding what to do and I need your help to stop me and quiet my heart and listen to your counsel. I love you Lord and I want to do what is right in your eyes.