Be Faithful and Fear God
Scripture Neh 7:2 that I gave the charge of Jerusalem to my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the leader of the citadel, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.
Observation: If we want any type of responsibility in the house of God we first must prove faithful. People need to be able to depend on us and that we would put what is right first. To fear God is to respect Him in a way that we would feel fear if we didn’t. Knowing God gives us a clearer picture of Him and our part in His kingdom and on this earth. When you realize all that God can do and who He is you can’t imagine to look Him in the eyes, because you are not worthy and we aren’t.
Application: I have not been proven faithful lately. My laziness has overcome my productiveness. It seems I don’t want to do anything and that is not being faithful to my Lord or to His children. If I feared God the way I should and would be appreciative of all He has done and given me I would search for every opportunity to do His will. I need to get my energy and loyalty going and get off my butt and serve the way I’m called to.
Prayer: My Lord forgive me please and help me off the couch. Heal your servant and give me strength to do your will in this life. Help me please I feel like I’m drowning in my own laziness give me strength and wisdom to do what is right. Help me be faithful to you.