God Owns It All
Scripture Psalms 24:1 A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD’S, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.
Observation: I own a house a car and other things or do I. When I die nothing comes with me, there is nothing that is really mine. The Lord owns it all and allows us to borrow things from time to time. Everything including myself, is owned by the Lord, King of the universe. Our pride makes us think more highly of ourselves then we are and that we are the masters of what we see, but that’s not true. Satan helps us think that way, because as long as we are thinking of ourselves, we’re not thinking of God. When we know who God really is we are left in awe and realize the honor and privilege it is to be able to speak with Him and that He cares for us.
Application: I need to realize the precious gift it is to be able to speak to my Heavenly Father and treat it as such. I need to know that He owns everything and I’m His possession as well. I need to humble myself before His throne and be thankful that He allows me an audience with Him. He is the creator of all things and for some reason He loves and cares for me. I am truly blessed beyond words and need to be thankful; at all times.
Prayer: My Lord, my God and my Creator. I humbly come before you with thanksgiving and awe. I don’t know why you love this sinner, but I know you do. May I humbly serve you all the days of my life and forever more.