Envious of Others
Scripture Psalms 73:3 For I was envious of the boastful, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
Observation: Most of my life I would look at what other people had and want what they had. I believe most people are like that coveting what the rich might have, wanting that expensive car, home or lifestyle. Our focus is only on this earth and we want to make the best of it without consideration of our true home in Heaven. We become short sided and think our happiness is based on the riches of this world instead of the riches in Heaven. It’s so easy to get caught up with all the media pointing to things to entice us that the rich and famous have. We need to wake up and realize the true riches that will last forever do not exist on this earth, but we can earn rewards while we are here.
Application: I need to have my eternal home in my heart. I need to be homesick and to look forward to being with my Lord forever. With my mind fixed on eternal things, the things of this world will mean nothing. I need to be humble and help those in need and support those around me. My calling is servant and that is what I need to be, for my Lord and others in His name.
Prayer: My Lord I am grateful for the many blessings you have given me. I have nothing to be boastful about because all that I have comes from you. Soften my heart and guide me each day to live in a way that pleases you. You deserve the best and all that I have.