We Seem to Always Turn Back
Scripture Psalms 85:8 I will hear what God the LORD will speak, For He will speak peace To His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly.
Observation: I have my days that I give to God and do His will, but there are many more days my thoughts go to myself and my desires, I return to my folly. A day won’t go by that my thoughts and actions draw away from my Lord and I do what I want. Why isn’t what I want the same as what God wants? When I do God’s will I have joy and peace and whenever I don’t, I often regret those decisions, but yet I return to my folly. The Lord speaks to me, why don’t I listen?
Application: I need to live each day for the Lord and not for me. I own nothing and have no rights I’m a slave to Christ and need to act that way. I’m not a ruler but a servant and I need to be serving with a humble heart. I need to listen for the voice of my master and obey with no other agenda, but to fulfill the plan the Lord has given me.
Prayer: My Lord please forgive me for my arrogance and humble your servant. Give me a loving caring heart for others that I can point them to you. Speak to me and show me how to hear and obey. I give you this life freely, use it for your glory.