You Are Wonderful
Scripture Psalms 89:5 And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O LORD; Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints.
Observation: We forget how wonderful you are dear Lord because our minds and hearts are so focused on the things of this world that we ignore your greatness. If we would just stop and think of all that God has done, all that He is and what He has done for us personally we would see how wonderful He is. Just look around in what He has created the detail of His creation and yet with the greatness of His creation He looks at us with individuality and love. How can we by realizing this not shout to the world about our wonderful God. So as His creation we should faithfully praise our Lord every day and do it in a way that others will see and understand how wonderful He is.
Application: I need to be more focused on my Lord and less in this world. I need to remind myself of how great is my God. I need to stop worrying about this life and be more focused on my eternal home. I should be in awe each day of my Lord’s greatness and humble myself before Him each day and praise Him telling others of my great God.
Prayer: My Lord You are wonderful and have been so wonderful to me. May my love for you shine on that others may see and use me as a witness of your greatness. Help me be the child you desire me to be that I will be obedient and a loving person for the world to see.