The Lord is Coming
Scripture Psalms 96:13 For He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness, And the peoples with His truth.
Observation: That is the message we need to get out to the world that the Lord is coming. I don’t understand why He has waited so long with all the evil and sin that is in the world, but it is not mine to know. God has a perfect plan and he’ll come when He desires to come. He will come ready to judge His people and we will be called to account. I’m not sure how much longer He will wait, but I need to be ready no matter when.
Application: My job is to tell others about my Lord and savior. My job is not to judge or point out others sin, but to tell them what Jesus did for me and point them to Him. How I handle my purpose in this life will be my judgment and the people I don’t tell will be on my head. I’m here as a messenger and I need to get the word out.
Prayer: My Lord I have been lazy doing my job. Make me a better servant and help get me going. May my mind be focused on the mission you have given me and may I be successful in all you call me to do. I love you and desire to please you, my Lord.