Behaving Wisely
Scripture Psalms 101:2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.
Observation: I wish that was my testimony that I behave wisely and in a perfect way. That is what I desire to do, but during the course of a day I do something that I regret and my perfect way is not perfect. I desire a perfect heart, a heart that glorifies God and I try, but again it is short lived as I think of my desires, lustful thoughts and greedy ways. I truly desire to do the things this Psalm says and I pray I do better so when the Lord comes, He’ll be pleased with me.
Application: Realize instantly when I’m not behaving in that perfect way and repent and do what is right. I know this will be a constant battle, because of my sinful ways, but my Lord deserves the best of me. My perfect way and perfect heart are to model Jesus in this life to ask myself what would Jesus do in each circumstance that comes into my life. I need to pray and meditate on my Lord and His ways and duplicate them the best that I can.
Prayer: My Lord and my God help me by softening this hard heart of mine. May I be more like Jesus each day walking and behaving in a perfect way so that you will be will pleased with this child of yours. My desire is to please and show you that I love You.