God Controls All Things
Scripture Psalms 104:14 He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, And vegetation for the service of man, That he may bring forth food from the earth,
Observation: This is a wonderful Psalm the whole Psalm tells of God greatest and explains that everything exists and is cared for by God. It takes away any myth of evolution and describes God loving care over this place.
Application: I need to start looking more at God’s creation on this earth and see His mighty hand in it. I should be in awe of His greatest in the things that I see and how perfectly it was made and see the details of His creation. Then realize he created me in that same perfection that He has created everything else.
Prayer: My Lord you are worthy of all my praise and obedience. I thank you for your mercy and this home that you have provided me and look forward to being with you forever in the home you have created me for all eternity.