Daily Devotional

If Only We Would Give Thanks

Scripture Psalms 107:8 Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

Observation: Oh, if we only would. We thank God when things are going the way we want, but how often do we thank Him for all of our daily provisions. As Christians we have so much more to be thankful for, we have the promise of eternal life with our Lord and for that we can’t thank Him enough. Can you imagine if everyone gave thanks to God for all that we have, how different the world would be? There is so much to be thankful for as we look around us, unfortunately so many of us decide to look at all the negative things instead of the blessings.

Application: I need to make it a point to start of each day remembering my Lords blessings in my life and as I go through the day thank Him as I see more. A grateful heart is what the Lord will notice and be blessed and my goal in this life is to bless my Lord. Yesterday was Thanksgiving and God gave me the strength to tell each member of my new family how blessed I was to be part of it. It blessed those who heard, it blessed me to be able to convey my thoughts and I know it blessed God to hear.

Prayer: My Lord show me how to bless you. Increase my grateful heart that I will see even more of how you bless me each day and that my heart will be full of love for you and others.

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