Oh Lord Be Exalted
Scripture Psalms 108:5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, And Your glory above all the earth;
Observation: I’ve written before how the Lord needs to be exalted in all of the earth. That this world should exalt Him and that His majesty is revealed in His creation. However, is His name exalted in my life. Do my actions, thoughts and words exalt God or are they the same as this evil world. Each day I get caught up in the pressures of this world, my mind turns to hate before love and I worry about things that I should know God has a handle on. My life does not exalt my Lord and that is the only thing that I’m in control of. I can’t change the world, but I can change me, if I so desire.
Application: I need to exalt my Lord and my God in my life and in my heart. I need to be sincere with my worship to my Lord and not to hide it. There are times I need to be by myself and pray to my God, but there are times I need to live this life that others can see my worship to my Lord. I need to exalt Christ in the way that I live and treat others.
Prayer: My Lord, I do love you and my desire is to worship you at all times and I know you know how often I fail at that. I need your strength to carry me on to fulfill my life’s purpose and to exalt You each day. Help me make you proud of you servant and that I will glorify your name.