Daily Devotional

Surrounded by Lies

Scripture Psalms 120:2 Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips And from a deceitful tongue.

Observation: When I counsel people, I tell them that the Bible doesn’t tell us to trust anyone except God. We are surrounded by sinners and that includes ourselves. We hear so many lies in a day it gets harder to find the truth. However, to find truth it’s as easy as getting out our Bible and searching there, that’s the only truth we need. We are only called to love our brother or sister no matter what.

Application: I need to work harder to be an honest person. I need to seek the truth in my Lord’s word and then speak that truth to others. I need to stop getting angry when someone lies to me, but no matter what show that person the love of God and trust only in Him.

Prayer: My Lord I’m that deceitful tongue help me tame it and speak only your truth. Calm my anger that I will speak love to others and tell them of your unfailing love. Help me fulfill the purpose you have created me for. I love you Lord.

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