Let Everything Praise Him
Scripture Psalms 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
Observation: God has created everything and as our Creator He deserves to be praised. If we are not praising Him, it is only because we are not thinking of Him and if we are not thinking of Him the enemy is distracting us. Everything around us is praising His name if we would only stop and observe is majesty and join along.
Application: I need to take my own advice and take the time to stop and walk away from my distractions just to look around and see Him, then stop and praise His Holy Name. He is always there and never leaves us or forsakes us, so several times a day I need to take a moment and praise and thank Him for who He is and how He has blessed me.
Prayer: Dear Lord you are worthy of all of my praise, love worship and time. May I start today doing better giving you what you deserve from me, may I not be able to look around me without seeing you in my surroundings. I love you Lord draw me closer to You.