Spring is Here
Scripture Song of Songs 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come, And the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land.
Observation: As I write this it is spring here in California. We had a great winter with plenty of rain and the once was brown mountains are a variety of shades of green. The flowers are in bloom all around and it is beautiful. When I look at the beauty around all I can do is thank and praise God for such beauty.
Application: I need to look for God all the time, because He is always around. I get so focused on the negative things in my life that I don’t have room to appreciate my Lord and that has got to change, there is nothing more important in my life than taking time to praise my creator.
Prayer: My Lord you deserve all of my time, my love and my praise. May I not stray from thinking of you and the many blessings you give me and my family. I love you Lord and you are so worthy.