False Prophets
Scripture Jeremiah 23:17 They continually say to those who despise Me,
‘The LORD has said, “You shall have peace” ’;
And to everyone who walks according to the dictates of his own heart, they say,
No evil shall come upon you.’ ”
Observation: God is speaking of the false prophets and we are surrounded by them today. The ones that speak the gospel of prosperity and we should do what is right in our own hearts. False prophets have started their own religions drawing God’s children away from Him and causing them eternal harm. They say that God wants the best for us here instead of God wants our best.
Application: To do my part in telling others God true word and that we are in trouble. We are called to a purpose and the eternal rewards that will be granted if we obey. To tell others are comfort is in God no matter what we may be going through.
Prayer Dear Lord tell me what to say and show me how I should act to help others see the truth. To call out false doctrine and to reveal the lies that others may have been taught and to show them the way to You.