Daily Devotional

There is a Future and a Hope

Scripture Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Observation: I pray this verse every day to remind me that God has a purpose for my life. It’s a reminder no matter what might be happening in our lives that God is thinking of our good. When we don’t think we have much of a future God is telling us we do and there is hope for each one of us. Even though we may not feel like there is much hope here on this earth there is a new one coming.

Application: To live without fear knowing that God has this handled. We continue to be warned in scriptures about trials and we should expect them, but knowing that God loves us and as a plan. Every day that I wake I need to thank God for His love and provisions and ask Him what His plans are for the day.

Prayer Lord, I can’t thank you enough for loving me even though I’m not loveable. I ask you to guide my path today and put people in my path that I may speak the words you have for them. Whatever future and hope I have left on this earth may it be used to glorify You.

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