Daily Devotional

God’s Judgement

Scripture Ezekiel 4:13 Then the LORD said, “So shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, where I will drive them.”

Observation: This was God’s judgement against Israel. He drove them out of the land and they would live in their transcreation against the Lord. This could be what is coming for America if we don’t repent from our wicked ways. We may not be driven out of this country, but the country can change so much that it won’t be the same. Socialism could take over depending on leadership and can be turned to waste.

Application: I need to do whatever I can to keep America a republic and to tell others to do the same. The only way that can happen is through prayer, that God would forgive us for our wicked ways and His children would repent. I need to do whatever part God calls me to do.

Prayer Dear Lord help us please. We don’t deserve your mercy and forgiveness, but please Lord guide us on what You desire of us. May we glorify Your name.

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